Phelps-Nourse Test

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Answer each question and press the "Done!" button on the bottom of each page.

You will receive your score immediately, after which you may email for a consultation.

There are five pages and the test should take you about twenty minutes.

For more information on Phelps-Nourse:

Janice Keller Phelps, M.D.
315 Heath Lake Road
Sagle, Idaho 83860

Part 1: Diet

1. How often have you eaten the following foods? Less than once a week
(score 0)
Once a week
(score 1)
Once a day
(score 2)
Twice a day
(score 3)
Three times a day
(score 4)
More than three times a day
(score 5)
a. sugar, honey or syrup
b. jams or jellies
c. chocolate, candy
d. ice cream or sherbet
e. cake, pie or cookies
f. doughnuts, sweet rolls or pastries other desserts (pudding, canned fruit in syrup, fruited yogurt, ice cream topping, etc.
g. white breads or dinner rolls
h. soft drinks (non-diet)

2. Have you ever craved one of the foods on the above list so much that it distracted you? Once a week or less
(score 0)
Once a day
(score 2)
More than once a day
(score 4)

3. Has eating a moderate amount of one of the above foods made you lose your appetite for more, or has it made you want more immediately? Lose appetite
(score 0)
Want more
(score 3)

4. Have you ever overeaten any of the foods listed above to the point of discomfort? Never
(score 0)
Once a month
(score 1)
Once a week
(score 3)
Once a day
(score 5)

5. Have you ever gone on food binges, eating many helpings of any kind of food? Rarely or never
(score 0)
Once a month
(score 1)
Once a week
(score 3)
Once a day
(score 5)

6. How much sugar have you used a day? None to two teaspoons a day
(score 0)
Three to five teaspoons a day
(score 2)
Six or more teaspoons a day
(score 4)

7. Have you had trouble controlling your weight? Never
(score 0)
Occasional trouble
(score 1)
Constant trouble
(score 4)

8. Have you had any of the following symptoms regularly - daily or more than three times a week? No
(score 0)
(score 2)
a. unexplained or undiagnosed stomachache, backache or indigestion
b. unexplained headache
c. trouble sleeping
d. low energy or fatigue
e. trouble getting started, getting things accomplished
f. trouble concentrating or reading
g. angry outbursts for trivial reasons
h. daytime faintness, sleepiness, cold spells, or shakiness
i. discouraged with nothing to look forward to

9. If you have had any of the above symptoms, were they noticeably or reliably relieved by eating sweets or starchy foods? No
(score 0)
(score 2)
a. unexplained or undiagnosed stomachache, backache or indigestion
b. unexplained headache
c. trouble sleeping
d. low energy or fatigue
e. trouble getting started, getting things accomplished
f. trouble concentrating or reading
g. angry outbursts for trivial reasons
h. daytime faintness, sleepiness, cold spells, or shakiness
i. discouraged with nothing to look forward to

10. How long have you been able to stay on a reducing diet that severely restricts or eliminates all sweets or starchy foods, including bread, pasta, potatoes, and so on? Indefinitely
(score 0)
Only one week
(score 2)
1-2 days
(score 3)
Less than a day
(score 4)

This is Page 1 of 5. Pressing "Done!" will move you to Page 2.
You will receive your score after completing Page 5.

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  Copyright ©1996 Janice Keller Phelps, M.D.